
This is my archive

kibsi create \ https://github.com/kibsi/examples/example-project \ my-cv-project kibsi run Ready! Listening to my_cv_project... waiting for deployment to launch ... deployment 51VHg9lwOw is ready new object: Worker[DNahRWgwCb], tracker attached new object: Worker[u8zL1CB4yx], tracker attached new event: SafetyViolation[eSHPzuhR5W], sourced from Worker[DNahRWgwCb]+SafetyCriticalArea[tWEOHBdgqn] event SafetyViolation[eSHPzuhR5W] fired notification via SMS [2 recipients], transaction: AgNxxpHJIr event SafetyViolation[eSHPzuhR5W] transitioned from Active -> Terminated (cause: Worker[DNahRWgwCb] no longer meets active condition)

kibsi create \ https://github.com/kibsi/examples/example-project \ my-cv-project kibsi run Ready! Listening to my_cv_project... waiting for deployment to launch ... deployment 51VHg9lwOw is ready new object: Worker[DNahRWgwCb], tracker attached new object: Worker[u8zL1CB4yx], tracker attached new event: SafetyViolation[eSHPzuhR5W], sourced from Worker[DNahRWgwCb]+SafetyCriticalArea [tWEOHBdgqn] event SafetyViolation[eSHPzuhR5W] fired notification via SMS [2 recipients], transaction: AgNxxpHJIr event SafetyViolation[eSHPzuhR5W] transitioned from Active -> Terminated (cause: Worker[DNahRWgwCb] no longer meets active condition)